Nagi Yoshida | Ethiopia

Photo � Nagi Yoshida-All Rights Reserved "Some children want to become pilots, some models, but my dream was pure and simple, to become African." -Nagi Yoshida Looking back over my 10 years of authoring The Travel Photographer blog, I have seldom featured the work of a Japanese travel photographer. The reason is unclear since I'm always on the look out for fresh travel photographers, and particulalry those of Asian provenance. It's perhaps because the websites featuring Japanese photographers are mostly in Japanese? I don't know...all I know is they haven't crossed my radar screnn as often as I would have liked. But this is now somewhat put right by my featuring the work of Nagi Yoshida , who set out to document African tribes in Namibia, Tanzania and Ethiopia to show to her audiences and viewers that the African continent is wonderful, and is worthy of visits. She tells us that every time she travels to Afican, the locals tell her that she's more African ...