
Showing posts from July, 2018

Beyond The Frame | Yan Yang Tian Troupe | GFX 50s

Photo � Tewfic El-Sawy | All Rights Reserved Although the Fuji GFX50s might not really be the most appropriate format to photograph theatre and opera, it produced interesting images while using it to photograph a live performance by the Yan Yang Tian opera troupe in at the    Leng Eng Tian Khiew Ong Tai Tay temple  in Kuala Lumpur during the annual Taoist Nine Emperor Gods Festival.  For nine days, Taoists gather at various temples around the country to celebrate the Nine Emperor Gods festival, which begins on the eve of the ninth month of the lunar calendar. The troupe performs traditional Cantonese opera, and has been on stage since its founder opera troupe owner Elizabeth Choy was 7 years old. Now in her late eighties, she is considered a treasure by the Chinese-Malay communities in Malaysia as well as those in neighboring countries. While the popularity of Cantonese opera has dwindled, especially among the young, her troupe has continued to perform in local ...

Ye Hong Qi | The Miao Portraits

Photo � Ye Hong Qi - All Rights Reserved It's been a few weeks since my last post...but I needed a break to re-energize my blogging appetite, and with my time swallowed up with a forthcoming photo book, and the incessant demands of social media, blogging took a back seat. However, I chanced on wonderful images by the Chinese photographer Ye Hong Qi whose long term project " The Portraits of Chinese Miao Nationality " (???????) is just a delight for those who are interested  -not only in portraiture- but in anthropology and ethnic minorities. Ye Hong Qi tells us that he started his project in 2012, seeking to document the Miao culture through portraits made in situ, eschewing artificial lights and other devices. The Miao is an ethnic group belonging to South China, and is recognized by the government of China as one of the 55 official minority groups. They live primarily in southern China's mountains, in the provinces of Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi...